Devicealloc .APKs

The Latest Features of Devicealloc

Erste Version.

About – Devicealloc

DeviceAlloc is the perfect app for technicians who need to install and manage devices such as RFID position markers, BLE position markers and other hardware in buildings such as hospitals or care facilities. With this app, technicians can work anytime, anywhere, even without an active internet connection, as the app works in offline mode.

The technician can log in using a key code provided to him and access all relevant functions. By scanning data matrix codes with the app's camera, the device IDs are automatically captured. The app then guides the technician step by step to precisely position the devices on a digital building plan.

The app allows you to add, replace, move or delete devices, all directly on the map. As soon as there is an internet connection, the app synchronizes all data so that the technician is always up to date.

Main functions:

– Device installation and management with camera function for scanning data matrix codes.
– Easily manage devices on an interactive building map.
– Work in offline mode – no internet connection required.
– Fast data synchronization as soon as there is an internet connection.
– Secure login with a provided key.

DeviceAlloc simplifies device management and provides an efficient, user-friendly solution for technicians in various sectors.


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